Utterly Ridiculous Videos of Stefan Wearing Huge Glasses. All in 1 Place. Video Blog Sequence Oct-Nov.2010
The Stefan Composer & Music Video Blogs & Writing. My Music: http://www.reverbnation.com/stefandanielbell My Music Blog: http://stefandanielbell.posterous.com/ ~Thank U 4 being here. ~stefan My #Twitter Page for My Music:
http://www.twitter.com/the_stefan_ The First Outrageous Fantastic & Hilarious Glasses Series starts here:
RT fan fave snarling rockstar photo: http://j.mp/bSES0Q ~ stefan Then this was the first video:
http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1676844400229 Second video:
RT Second video blog in the new series... "We're all in constant danger of taking rselves way 2 seriously..." http://j.mp/eUkHPW ~ stefan Then went here:
RT "is this thing on?..." http://j.mp/a6IuSl | stunned, amazed, & how cool you like this one by me?!!... You Rock! ~stefan That's when it got out of control...
RT You Rock. "I'm very serious..." mini vid to prove it... (it's not serious, it's seriously hilarious) ~stefan http://post.ly/1Cjxn RT Follow up hilarity... "Seriously" mini video. Thank you. ~stefan http://post.ly/1Ck00 RT @the_stefan_ Robot Groupie Love Mini Video Blog. (yes. A blog for Robots. I am odd. I write music for robots too)... http://post.ly/1DWPz The Stefan | Official Message About DM's & Contact...(non-offensive #Offenity ridiculousness & Rockstar glasses) http://j.mp/9MUv4a RT "What does it take to be a Hero?...The right attitude, & the proper glasses, obviously..." mini vid. ~stefan http://post.ly/1Em2w RT "Thought I'd show u my new casual glasses..low key..low profile...not trying 2 draw 2 much attention.." ~stefan #VBlog http://post.ly/1EmKC RT"...just sitting around waiting for my close up...don't tell my fans..." you might like this. ~stefan http://post.ly/1F1wR I am not even kidding you. This is a recap so far... RT "If u were so inclined, I'd tell u 2 talk a walk in my clothes, but they're so dirty...they'd do all the work for u.. http://post.ly/1HYx9 ~ stefan RT "..and now for a moment, from my self imposed fortress..Of Classical ROCK..!!" ~ The Adventures of Stefan #VBlog http://post.ly/1IaFg RT "..u know the 1st of Classical Rock Camp was not so bad... The Adventures of Stefan #VBlog Stefan Daniel Bell http://post.ly/1IhHj RT "..getting rather attached to my glasses..." The Adventures of Stefan #VBlog http://post.ly/1Iaeu Stefan Daniel Bell
http://www.reverbnation.com/stefandanielbell RT "..it's not about appearances..it comes from the inside.." The Adventures of Stefan #VBlog Stefan Daniel Bell http://post.ly/1Iah4
That's what happens when I'm left alone with camera and props.
"...O.M.G. Who is that guy?..." Stefan Daniel Bell
http://www.reverbnation.com/stefandanielbell RT Popular blog of mine I'm stoked u like: http://j.mp/bSES0Q Thanks! Who says Snarling Guitar Rockstar Glasses r out of style? lol. ~stefan RT Intense Moments in Bed with Stefan http://j.mp/elFhNC | from my online performance last summer. Couture sculpture. #phonecitis lol ~stefan RT "Awesome" http://j.mp/c92mtQ ...as in, You Are!!! ~PSA by me...(public sincerity announcement) Thank you for being here! ~stefan RT How Awesome?! "Totally" http://j.mp/bhUAHX #PublicSincerityAnnouncement by me... ~stefan RT #4Followers -> "You Rock" http://j.mp/aed78m #PublicSincerityAnnouncement #VBlog (mini video blog) Thank u for being here. ~stefan
RT "Rock" http://stefandanielbell-blog-rock.posterous.com/rock-video-blog-of-me-psa-series #NiteNite ~stefan
The Stefan Composer & Music Video Blogs & Writing. My Music: http://www.reverbnation.com/stefandanielbell My Music Blog: http://stefandanielbell.posterous.com/ ~Thank U 4 being here. ~stefan My #Twitter Page for My Music:
http://www.twitter.com/the_stefan_ The First Outrageous Fantastic & Hilarious Glasses Series starts here:
RT fan fave snarling rockstar photo: http://j.mp/bSES0Q ~ stefan Then this was the first video:
http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1676844400229 Second video:
RT Second video blog in the new series... "We're all in constant danger of taking rselves way 2 seriously..." http://j.mp/eUkHPW ~ stefan Then went here:
RT "is this thing on?..." http://j.mp/a6IuSl | stunned, amazed, & how cool you like this one by me?!!... You Rock! ~stefan That's when it got out of control...
RT You Rock. "I'm very serious..." mini vid to prove it... (it's not serious, it's seriously hilarious) ~stefan http://post.ly/1Cjxn RT Follow up hilarity... "Seriously" mini video. Thank you. ~stefan http://post.ly/1Ck00 RT @the_stefan_ Robot Groupie Love Mini Video Blog. (yes. A blog for Robots. I am odd. I write music for robots too)... http://post.ly/1DWPz The Stefan | Official Message About DM's & Contact...(non-offensive #Offenity ridiculousness & Rockstar glasses) http://j.mp/9MUv4a RT "What does it take to be a Hero?...The right attitude, & the proper glasses, obviously..." mini vid. ~stefan http://post.ly/1Em2w RT "Thought I'd show u my new casual glasses..low key..low profile...not trying 2 draw 2 much attention.." ~stefan #VBlog http://post.ly/1EmKC RT"...just sitting around waiting for my close up...don't tell my fans..." you might like this. ~stefan http://post.ly/1F1wR I am not even kidding you. This is a recap so far... RT "If u were so inclined, I'd tell u 2 talk a walk in my clothes, but they're so dirty...they'd do all the work for u.. http://post.ly/1HYx9 ~ stefan RT "..and now for a moment, from my self imposed fortress..Of Classical ROCK..!!" ~ The Adventures of Stefan #VBlog http://post.ly/1IaFg RT "..u know the 1st of Classical Rock Camp was not so bad... The Adventures of Stefan #VBlog Stefan Daniel Bell http://post.ly/1IhHj RT "..getting rather attached to my glasses..." The Adventures of Stefan #VBlog http://post.ly/1Iaeu Stefan Daniel Bell
http://www.reverbnation.com/stefandanielbell RT "..it's not about appearances..it comes from the inside.." The Adventures of Stefan #VBlog Stefan Daniel Bell http://post.ly/1Iah4
That's what happens when I'm left alone with camera and props.
"...O.M.G. Who is that guy?..." Stefan Daniel Bell
http://www.reverbnation.com/stefandanielbell RT Popular blog of mine I'm stoked u like: http://j.mp/bSES0Q Thanks! Who says Snarling Guitar Rockstar Glasses r out of style? lol. ~stefan RT Intense Moments in Bed with Stefan http://j.mp/elFhNC | from my online performance last summer. Couture sculpture. #phonecitis lol ~stefan RT "Awesome" http://j.mp/c92mtQ ...as in, You Are!!! ~PSA by me...(public sincerity announcement) Thank you for being here! ~stefan RT How Awesome?! "Totally" http://j.mp/bhUAHX #PublicSincerityAnnouncement by me... ~stefan RT #4Followers -> "You Rock" http://j.mp/aed78m #PublicSincerityAnnouncement #VBlog (mini video blog) Thank u for being here. ~stefan
RT "Rock" http://stefandanielbell-blog-rock.posterous.com/rock-video-blog-of-me-psa-series #NiteNite ~stefan